Pond Equipment and Supplies
Considered by many to be “Water Garden and Pond Headquarters”, we truly are the place to come for expert advice and assistance in designing and maintaining your water garden pond or feature. Our experts can answer those tough questions.
Home and garden centers carry such a wide variety of inventory and so many categories, that sometimes finding the right person who really knows what they are doing when it comes to water garden ponds can be challenging.
Landscaping companies can design and many times install ponds, but do not always maintain them or completely understand the ecosystem of a water garden pond.
However, at Aquarium Adventure, we are the pond professionals! You see, we do just aquatics and that allows us to hone in our business. We know pumps, plumbing, filters, fish, plants and the delicate balance needed to keep them healthy and thriving. That is what we do 365 days a year. Many of us have a water garden pond or water feature in our own backyards. Read our blog for more insider tips and browse our lists of aquariums and products.
Pond Pumps & Filters
Being POND HEADQUARTERS we have the best tested and proven brands of pumps and filters, not cheap “knock-offs”.
We carry pumps from tiny sizes (for those table top and small deck fountains) to large sizes (for handling waterfalls or giant multiple head fountains).
The same scenario for filters. We have small internal filters for those outdoor deck water garden containers, internal filters for the small outdoor ponds, external canister filters for medium to large ponds and skimmer filters along with waterfall weirs for large to extra large ponds. Some of the filters carried also incorporate UV’s to help with algae control and we also sell UV’s separately.
Our staff of pond professionals with years of experience are here to answer your questions and guide you to proper equipment sizing and installation.
Water Treatments
Whether it’s spring pond opening, summer pond maintenance or fall pond closing, the proper balance of bacteria, organics control and water quality conditioning is a must for a healthy, thriving pond with fish and plants—-because it is a living ecosystem.
We carry the top name products and have the trusted experts to explain the proper use and dosage. We know how to keep fish and plants alive and thriving in a water environment, because that’s all that we do.
Algae Control
The bane of all pond owners—-uncontrolled algae!
Whether it’s free floating algae cells in the water column creating a green soup (algae bloom) rather than crystal clear water or that long stringy hair algae growing on the waterfall rocks and sides of the pond——it has to go.
At Aquarium Adventure Pond Headquarters, we can help. With over 30 years experience on pond and water garden keeping we know how to control algae and have the products necessary to help you.
We can share with you, natural methods (using live plants), chemical methods (algaecides) and mechanical methods (UV filters) for controlling algae.
Pond fish, as with any goldfish species, it is important to remember they do not have stomachs only very long intestines. Foods that normally would get digested in the stomach (as in other fish) are not good, for this reason we want to feed a pond fish food that will be absorbed by the fish as it passes through the intestine. Digestion requires a particularly alkaline diet low in protein and high in vegetable matter. You want a protein level around 30%, carbs about 65% and fiber about 5%. These percentages will vary depending on season (water temperature). As water temperatures drop so does fish activity. You should decrease protein and fiber levels. During these colder times, wheat germ foods are an excellent choice for an easily digested fat source.
There is something about the beauty and warmth of a summer night outdoors by the pond all lit up. Our submersible pond lights create a visual effect that is calming and relaxing, even mesmerizing. We carry lights that are easy to install and will light up your night!
We keep in stock the filter replacement media and filter/pump parts and accessories needed to get you through the season. Adding plants to the water garden—-we have a variety of plant potting baskets (in several shapes and sizes) and potting soil to meet your needs making your pond a successful water garden.
Come fall time with pond closing preparations, we’ll be ready for you. We will stock fall pond foods to prep your pond fish for that long winter hibernation, several sizes of pond netting to cover the pond and catch all of those falling leaves and stack out pond de-icers for the winter icing concerns.