Aquarium Plants
Increased environmental awareness and the push to find a new challenge or dimension to freshwater aquarists has rejuvenated the interest in keeping live plants in the aquarium. Commonly referred to as “Dutch Aquarium” this European concept of an indoor water garden has really been growing in popularity in the U.S. It can be argued that a true fish keeper would be hard pressed to create a biologically-balanced ecosystem more beautiful than one that is well planted with live vegetation.
Underwater plants can be found all over the globe, and each presents its own unique benefits and challenges for your tank. Live plants can add landscape dimension and balance, and provide a beautiful visual impact. However, they may require additional efforts on your part, including increased light and supplemental water or food elements. If you’re unsure of what your plants require, ask our experts and we’ll give you all the professional guidance needed for success. Read our blogs for more insider tips.
Scroll below to see a few pictures of the beautiful species we carry. A Freshwater fish and plant master list will give you an idea of what we generally keep on hand.

Bacopa Plant


Rotala Indica

Subulata Plant

Crypt Brown Wendtii


Amazon Sword

Aponogeton Ulvaceus

Green Cabomba

Moss Balls

Red Rubin Sword

Rotala Wallichii

Crypt Petchii

Baby Tears

Micro Sword