“Geek” Fish Corner - 3

South America

1.    HY511 “Peppermint Tetra” (Hyphessobrycon sp.)

·         Very new in the aquarium trade

·         No set common name yet

·         Best in groups of three or more

·         72-82 F

·         6.2-7.2 pH

·         Look similar to Pristella or Bleeding Heart Tetras

·         Great community fish

2.    King Kerri Tetra or Purple Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri)

·         72-77 F

·         6.0-8.0 pH

·         Best in groups of five or more

·         A ‘fairly delicate’ species

·         Males are more colorful (blue adipose fin) and their fins are longer

3.    Kitty Tetra (Hyphessobrycon heliacus)

·         6.4-7 pH

·         73-81 F

·         Top level swimmer

·         Relatively new discovery

·         Males dorsal fin becomes elongated

·         Only get to be about 1.5 inches

4.    Leopard Pleco or Muliticolor Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji)

·         Very peaceful, can even mix with other plecos

·         6.0-8.0 pH

·         77-81 F

·         A smaller pleco, only 6.7 inches

·         Being regarded by several to be an entirely new genus

Central America

1.    Endler’s Livebearer (Poecilia wingei)

·         NOT a guppy, very closely related and may interbreed though

·         From Venezuela

·         Very prolific (23-24 days between broods)

·         Only live about a year, some may live two years

·         Rare to find in the aquarium hobby

·         Found in warm, very green ponds in the wild (75-81 F)

·         Endangered possibly extinct in the wild


1.    Blue Axelrod Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi)

·         5.0-7.0 pH

·         Tend to do better in a large group of 6 or more

·         Found in densely vegetated streams, so they need heavily planted tanks

·         Not a Rasbora, more closely related to Danios

·         Not a beginner species

·         Easily preyed upon (only get 2cm)

2.    Sunkist Shrimp (Caridina cf. propinqua)

·         From Indonesia (swampy mangroves)

·         72-80 F

·         Prefers soft acidic water but can adjust to other parameters

·         Require brackish water in order to mature

·         Resemble Ghost Shrimp’s body

·         Get up to 3cm


1.    Giraffe Cat (Auchenoglanis occidentalis occidentalis)

·         Peaceful, even a sociable fish

·         Fish 6+ inches are safe as tank mates

·         Considered personable to the point of affectionate

·         Will suck detritus from the substrate (as deep as 4-6 inches down) so avoid chunky pebbles and large gravel

·         Leave uneaten food in tank – tend to ignore ‘too fresh’ of food

·         35.4 inches long so a large tank is needed, 200+ gallons when adult size

·         One specimen can scavenge the same amount as 150 corydoras cats


1.    Akindynos Clown (Amphiprion akindynos)

·         Rare in the aquarium trade

·         Can be kept with moderately aggressive tank mates

·         Naturally occurs with Bubble Anemones and Long Tentacle Anemones

·         Easy to care for

·         72-78 F

·         From Great Barrier Reef

2.    Green Banded Goby (Elacatinus multifasciatum)

·         10 gal minimum tank size

·         Hails from Puerto Rico

·         Best in groups of three or more individuals

·         72-78 F

·         Common to spawn in aquariums

·         Many are captive bred

·         Only 1.9 inches max size

Bill Wymard, Marine Biologist

Owner Bill Wymard set up his first aquarium at the age of 10. He had no idea that, several decades later, he would be keeping over 500 aquariums, and still possess the same passion and enthusiasm for aquariums and fish that he did when he was young.

As Wymard grew, and earned his degree in Marine Biology, that excitement and passion became something more. It just seemed natural to him to blend his life-long dream with his marine knowledge and skills to build the biggest (and best) aquatic superstore in the country. In the late 1990's, with the help of many talented, business colleagues from Petland, Bill, his wife Sandy and Petland owner and mentor Ed Kunzelman did just that!

In June of 1997, a new Aquarium Adventure franchise opened to rave reviews from local and visiting customers alike. Designed to hold and showcase the largest selection of freshwater and marine fish in the nation, our 12,000 sq.ft. showroom quickly earned a sterling reputation for the best selection of aquatic life and custom tank design in the area, as well as a knowledgeable staff.


Aquarium Water


Aquarium Maintenance