Aquarium Adventure Columbus

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Fish Food Ingredients

What Is Fish Food Made Of?


The basic components of most flaked fish food include the following: fish meal, squid meal, shrimp meal, earthworms, spirulina, and vitamins and minerals. There probably aren’t many surprises in that ingredient list, given the commonality of most fish food combinations. However, the ingredients can vary from source to source. Here are some things to look out for when examining fish food ingredient lists and options.

Different Types of Diets

It’s important to note that fish fall into three dietary categories: carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. The feeding instructions for meeting their dietary needs can vary and offer options beyond typical flaked food. Below is a breakdown of the different types of fish food and the diets that they support.

·       Freeze Dried: This variety of food is generally for any carnivorous fish that lives in captivity. The ingredients typically include bloodworms and krill.

·       Frozen: Usually very high quality, frozen food’s biggest perk is the simplicity of ingredients, which can vary depending on the type and age of the fish. If a pet owner wants an all-natural approach to fish care, this is a step in the right direction. Ingredients can include clams, krill, shrimp, plankton, and more. The food should be prepared by partially defrosting before adding it to the aquarium. Additionally, it can be portioned to the owner’s liking, which is beneficial for both budget and overall fish health.

·       Fresh: Many are unaware that some species of fish can be fed fresh food like peas, zucchini, and shrimp. It’s true and a very nutritious option. If one chooses this dietary route, make sure to only partially cook the desired fish food and only give the smallest of morsels. Overfeeding can be even more dangerous with fresh food.

·       Live: Due to the nature of their predation, certain species of fish will only eat live food. Marine life experts at Aquarium Adventure Columbus can be a great resource for figuring out the best live food diet for a particular fish.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a new tank or trying to find new companions for your current home aquarium, let our team at Aquarium Adventure Columbus guide you on your aquatic journey. Stop by and view our 12,000 sq. ft. showroom in Hilliard, OH or give us a call at (614) 792-0884 today.