Aquarium Adventure Columbus

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“Geek” Fish Corner - 3

South America

1.    HY511 “Peppermint Tetra” (Hyphessobrycon sp.)

·         Very new in the aquarium trade

·         No set common name yet

·         Best in groups of three or more

·         72-82 F

·         6.2-7.2 pH

·         Look similar to Pristella or Bleeding Heart Tetras

·         Great community fish

2.    King Kerri Tetra or Purple Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri)

·         72-77 F

·         6.0-8.0 pH

·         Best in groups of five or more

·         A ‘fairly delicate’ species

·         Males are more colorful (blue adipose fin) and their fins are longer

3.    Kitty Tetra (Hyphessobrycon heliacus)

·         6.4-7 pH

·         73-81 F

·         Top level swimmer

·         Relatively new discovery

·         Males dorsal fin becomes elongated

·         Only get to be about 1.5 inches

4.    Leopard Pleco or Muliticolor Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji)

·         Very peaceful, can even mix with other plecos

·         6.0-8.0 pH

·         77-81 F

·         A smaller pleco, only 6.7 inches

·         Being regarded by several to be an entirely new genus

Central America

1.    Endler’s Livebearer (Poecilia wingei)

·         NOT a guppy, very closely related and may interbreed though

·         From Venezuela

·         Very prolific (23-24 days between broods)

·         Only live about a year, some may live two years

·         Rare to find in the aquarium hobby

·         Found in warm, very green ponds in the wild (75-81 F)

·         Endangered possibly extinct in the wild


1.    Blue Axelrod Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi)

·         5.0-7.0 pH

·         Tend to do better in a large group of 6 or more

·         Found in densely vegetated streams, so they need heavily planted tanks

·         Not a Rasbora, more closely related to Danios

·         Not a beginner species

·         Easily preyed upon (only get 2cm)

2.    Sunkist Shrimp (Caridina cf. propinqua)

·         From Indonesia (swampy mangroves)

·         72-80 F

·         Prefers soft acidic water but can adjust to other parameters

·         Require brackish water in order to mature

·         Resemble Ghost Shrimp’s body

·         Get up to 3cm


1.    Giraffe Cat (Auchenoglanis occidentalis occidentalis)

·         Peaceful, even a sociable fish

·         Fish 6+ inches are safe as tank mates

·         Considered personable to the point of affectionate

·         Will suck detritus from the substrate (as deep as 4-6 inches down) so avoid chunky pebbles and large gravel

·         Leave uneaten food in tank – tend to ignore ‘too fresh’ of food

·         35.4 inches long so a large tank is needed, 200+ gallons when adult size

·         One specimen can scavenge the same amount as 150 corydoras cats


1.    Akindynos Clown (Amphiprion akindynos)

·         Rare in the aquarium trade

·         Can be kept with moderately aggressive tank mates

·         Naturally occurs with Bubble Anemones and Long Tentacle Anemones

·         Easy to care for

·         72-78 F

·         From Great Barrier Reef

2.    Green Banded Goby (Elacatinus multifasciatum)

·         10 gal minimum tank size

·         Hails from Puerto Rico

·         Best in groups of three or more individuals

·         72-78 F

·         Common to spawn in aquariums

·         Many are captive bred

·         Only 1.9 inches max size